Avoid catching and spreading the FLU virus.
Please take a moment to go over the information below and include it in your daily routine if you are at risk for contracting the virus, have made possible contact with the virus, or if you frequent public social places during and outbreak or during FLU season.
The more ways that you safeguard against contact...
...the better your chance of staying uninfected.
...the better your chance of staying uninfected.
- Get a FLU shot. Especially if you are 50 or over. This has to be done 3-6 months before the FLU season or an outbreak. If you are already in the FLU season, look below for tips.
- Avoid close contact with people when you are sick or when dealing with those you suspect may be sick.
- Wear a face mask when out in public places or in high risk situations.
- Disinfect your living areas, kitchens, and bathrooms with warm water and soap often.
- Use disposable tissues or disinfectant handy wipes.
- Learn how to sneeze in a controlled manner, avoid those that are sneezing freely.
- Do not share cups or containers with anyone. Also avoid public drinking fountains and bathrooms if possible.
- Take you vitamins. A, D, C, E and others to boost your immune system.
- Eat garlic to boost your immune system.
- Avoid sugar, sugar lowers your immune systems efficiency.
- Don't smoke, smoking paralyzes the cilia, the hairlike cells lining the nose and airways that sweep incoming viruses away before they can infect.
- Don't drink. Chronic and moderate drinkers compromise their immune systems.
- Avoid stress or work to eliminate it. Stress can really impede your ability to stay healthy and can greatly compromise the immune system.
- Sleep and get plenty of rest. This recharges your body and lets your immune system battle any threats that you may encounter.
- Exercise and stay active. Keeping fit improves your bodies natural defences against viral infections.
Remember that one of the most common ways people catch colds and the flu is by rubbing their nose or their eyes after their hands have been contaminated with a virus.

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