If you have the FLU... or think you may have the FLU.
Check out the advice below to help minimize recovery time and the severity of symptoms.
- Stay in bed and get plenty of rest, sleep as often as you can.
- Minimize contact with other people and avoid travel.
- Do not go to work, stay home and relax. Going to the workplace for anything puts your co-workers at risk. If you are just beginning to get sick or are beginning to feel some symptoms (no matter how slight) take precautions and arrange for time off work (your co-workers will thank you for it). It is better to be proactive when dealing with the FLU.
- Stay calm and relaxed, meditate if possible, and keep your body warm and protected. Dress in layers so that you can easily regulate your body temperature when needed.
- Drink lots of water. Try to have 8 - 12 glasses of clean fresh water each day.
- Maximize your fluid intake (natural, organic, and sugar free fluids or juices work the best). Replenishing your bodies lost fluids will help your immune system fight the FLU and give you body needed strength.
- Eat food. Although you will not feel like eating anything, try to eat as much healthy clean and organic food to help your bodies energy levels increase. If the FLU is severe eat light crackers or bread with water until you can eat other foods. Try to avoid fatty, processed, or spicy food, eating simple food easy to digest will help you recover faster.
- Monitor your fever, especially if you are dealing with children, or the elderly.
- Try not to medicate yourself needlessly. See a doctor for advice and or FLU shots, especially if dealing with excessive pain or high fever. Anti-inflammatory drugs like Advil should be used with sparingly and with caution (especially if suffering from other health problems).
- See your doctor for antiviral medication, or if suffer from pre-existing medical conditions.
- If your symptoms worsen seek immediate medical attention. If you have chest pain, shortness of breath, high fever, earaches, or are coughing up blood or foul smelling mucous it is imperative you get medical attention ASAP.
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