The U.S. Government recognizes that in a pandemic, a variety of factors may lead Americans abroad to stay in the country they are residing in or visiting. Some may choose to remain in country to avoid mass transit, public gatherings or other situations that could increase their exposure to the virus. Others may be forced to remain in country, due to disruptions in air travel, quarantines or closed borders. Consequently, it is current U.S. Government policy for all overseas employees under Chief of Mission authority, and their accompanying dependents, to plan for the possibility that they will be remaining in country during a pandemic. Information for both official and private Americans on how to prepare for this possibility is contained in the flyer Remain in Country During a Pandemic, which urges Americans to maintain adequate provisions for a pandemic wave or waves that could last from 2 to 12 weeks.
Once the World Health Organization (WHO) confirms a severe pandemic – defined as the emergence of a sustained, efficient human-to-human transmission of a new influenza virus that kills at least 1-2% of the people it infects – American citizens (including non-emergency government employees, their dependent family members and private citizens) residing or traveling overseas should consider returning to the United States while commercial travel options (air, land or sea) are still available. Americans will be permitted to re-enter the United States, although the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services/Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (HHS/CDC) may quarantine or isolate incoming travelers, depending on their health status and whether they are traveling from or through an area affected by pandemic influenza.
At such a time, non-emergency U.S. Government employees and all U.S. Government dependents affected by a severe pandemic will be allowed to return to the United States for the duration of the pandemic. Employees who return to the United States will be expected to work during the pandemic unless they take leave. Private American citizens abroad should make an informed decision: either remain in country, as noted above, to wait out the pandemic or return to the United States while this option still exists. Any American, whether overseas in a private capacity or employed by the U.S. Government, or a dependent of a U.S. Government employee, who chooses not to return to the United States via commercial means while still available, might have to remain in country for the duration of the pandemic if transportation is disrupted or borders close. Americans should be aware that only in cases of a breakdown in civil order within a country will the U.S. Government consider non-combatant evacuation operations.
Those who feel they would be at greater risk by remaining abroad during a pandemic, or who prefer returning to the United States to access American medical and health care services, may opt to return to the United States. Individuals with chronic medical conditions identified by the WHO and CDC may be at higher risk of suffering complications from influenza and should consider returning to the United States early at the onset of a pandemic or of postponing travel during a pandemic. Those at high risk may include: pregnant women; adults and children who have chronic pulmonary (including asthma), cardiovascular (except hypertension), renal, hepatic, hematological or metabolic disorders (including diabetes mellitus); adults and children who have immunosuppression (including that caused by medications or by human immunodeficiency virus); and adults and children who have any condition (e.g., cognitive dysfunction, spinal cord injuries, seizure disorders or other neuromuscular disorders) that can compromise respiratory function.
Due to legal restrictions and a lack of sufficient resources, the U.S. Department of State is not in a position to provide private American citizens traveling or living abroad with medications or supplies, or medical treatment, in the event of a pandemic. Therefore, private American citizens should carefully weigh the risks of remaining in country versus the risks of traveling, keeping in mind the potential benefits of returning to the United States. Returning to the United States could provide Americans with greater access to antiviral medications, respirators, face masks and pandemic vaccine. However, traveling also could increase one’s potential for exposure to the virus and even result in being stranded in a third country if flights are diverted.
U.S. Government assistance to private American citizens who are forced or choose to remain in country would be limited to traditional consular protection, i.e., communicating with family and friends, monitoring quarantine/detention conditions as permitted by local health authorities, arranging for transfers of funds or granting temporary subsistence loans, and providing information regarding the availability of medical care (to be paid for by the individual). Private American citizens should be aware that the U.S. Government cannot demand their immediate release if they have been detained or quarantined abroad in accordance with local public health and legal authorities.
CDC Contact Information
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention - (404)639 -3311
1600 Clifton Rd.
Atlanta, GA 30333
Traveler's Website
WHO Website
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